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Calling all chutney, jam & jelly Makers!

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A chance to show off your skills and sell your wares at AppleFest on Saturday 5 October at Betchworth Village Hall 1-4pm

At this year's AppleFest we're running a stall selling a large selection of chutneys, jams and jelly alongside local, freshly pressed juice. Time to collect the late summer fruit and get jamming, jellying or pickling! 

So if you like to cook up a few preserves around now for the store cupboard, why not double your usual quantities and sell your produce from the stall? Re-B asks you to donate £1 of a standard £5 selling price as contribution to the charity; you keep the rest to recoup your costs. And if you'd like to donate all your proceeds to Re-Betchworth, we won’t complain!
What you need to do...

  • take note of the standard selling price of £5 per jar
  • choose a good size jar (similar to Bonne Maman- see photo)- avoid very small jars
  • label and date your produce 
  • if nuts are included, make this clear on the label (in case of allergies)
  • stick a small label with your name and contact number on the bottom of each jar
  • leave a list of what you’ve provided so we can tick off sales as they go 
  • deliver your jars no later than Thursday 3 October to Claire Benn’s studio at the rear of Potter’s Farm, Station Road, Betchworth RH3 7DF. It’s never locked, so if no one’s home, just leave everything there. 
We’ll let you know how we've done, contact you to pass on your proceeds and return any unsold jars.  

Any questions - call Hollie Hollingworth on: 07812 041 885

Planning your Visit