Our Story
The Re-Betchworth story began in mid-2020 when two then members of the Parish Council persuaded the Council to invest in 120 Bird Boxes to give a helping hand to one section of our local wildlife.
Since then we’ve:
Established a wildflower strip on Goulburn Green, fostered a group of locals who’ve done the same in their gardens, then built on to start forming a north-to-south village wildlife corridor to connect with the national B-Line.
Held a number of online educational talks from bio-diversity through heat pumps to water management, and run practical workshops on apple tree pruning and scything.
Shared information on a resource-rich website www.re-betchworth.org, complimenting this with a YouTube channel and a series of short movies that appreciate and celebrate our natural world and communicating with our followers via a quarterly digital magazine.
Started our own village Forest School, selling out a monthly programme in 2023.
Secured commitment from residents to plant 70 trees as a Jubilee celebration and addition to the Queen’s Green Canopy.
Established our own annual communal apple pressing day.
We have worked hard to establish ourselves as a credible organisation with strong environmental, ecological and sustainability concerns and in August 2022 the Charity Commission registered Re-Betchworth as an environmental and community-focused enterprise worthy of recognition as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. The remit we set out in our governing document is deliberately broad.
“Re-Betchworth works to promote the conservation, protection and regeneration of the natural environment for the benefit of the public in the area covered by Betchworth Parish Council and adjoining parishes and helps raise awareness of practices for a more sustainable future.”
Most recently our work for nature with the Betchworth Community was acknowledged by Surrey Wildlife Trust when Re-Betchworth won their Emergent Talent Award, one of three categories attracting 22 entries to SWT’s new Community Champion Awards.